The reasoning behind the 2013 revised edition of The Manual being the same as those of the manuals previously adopted or published by the Society are: There are 159 RSCDS Branches and over 300 Affiliated Groups in more than 50 countries around the world, located on all continents (except Antarctica). While you're resting your feet, enjoy this site created especially for the online Scottish Country Dancer online, a central direction hub for all your dancing needs, quick reference, a dancing boutique, and … 23 – 24: 1st couple cross to second place on own sides. A circle, round and back, usually takes eight bars of music. 25 – 32: 2nd and 1st couples dance rights and lefts. Sunday morning is a combined class of a dance taught by each weekend teacher. Just stop by any Tuesday night to take a look or give it a try. This segment … Feel free to ask anyone of any gender to dance. This section is, of course, a very brief ‘quick’ guide - should you wish more information follow the appropriate links on the learn Scottish Country Dancing home page. The Manual of Scottish Country Dancing, known to dancers as The Manual, is regarded as the essential guide to Scottish Country Dancing, giving detailed instructions on steps and formations and other aspects of dance performance, along with information on its historical background and the wonderful music that makes it possible. See more ideas about scottish country dancing, highland dance, scottish. 2nd couple step down on bars 11-12. Dance in to join right hands with the diagonally opposite dancer and all dance round for four steps. Music: 8 x 32 bar reel (2 counts per bar). After one turn through the dance, the dancing couple finish in second place and repeat the dance from this position, dancing with the two couples below them and finish at the bottom of the set. The 2013 edition is available for purchase in a hard copy or electronically (PDF) from the shop. The section on steps and forms is clearly written and the … Microsoft Word template available for free download. There are 159 RSCDS Branches and over 300 Affiliated Groups in more than 50 countries around the world, located on all continents (except Antarctica). 9 – 12: 1st couple set and cast up one place. E-mail:, Join an RSCDS Branch & receive member benefits. Close the left foot behind the right foot. YOUR BASIC GUIDE TO SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE STEPS. So let’s get started - you have a partner and you are now arranged on the dance floor in a set with three other couples and the music is about to begin, so what else do you need to know? Country dancers use skip change of step (hop, step, close, step), which is done as follows: This is one step and occupies one bar of music in reel or jig time. If the above seems a bit daunting then just use a basic skipping step - two skips take one bar of jig or reel time music. This Scottish Country Dancing (SCD) website is intended as a reference to the traditional dancing of Scotland. Scottish Country Dancing is a very social activity which gives lots of opportunities to meet new friends. Many aspects of Scottish Country Dancing can be confusing to the new dancer. To cast up one place the dancers turn to the bottom of the set, face out and dance up behind the next couple to finish one place up, facing each other across the set. There are many ways to do Scottish country dances, from using formal dance steps all the way through to using walking steps. 25 – 32: 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance six hands round and back. An important feature of country dancing is that it is progressive. Going to a celidh? the above information it is possible to get through your first Scottish country dance and start out on this great adventure. Graded 3 A Third Book of Graded Scottish Country Dances Guide A Guide to Scottish Country Dancing (ex-Collins) Imp 1–3 Imperial Book of Scottish Country Dances – Volumes 1–3 Kandahar The Kandahar Reel Leaflet The Leaflet Dances with Music MMM Miss Milligan’s Miscellany of Scottish Country Dances MacNab Scottish Dances collected by Mary Isdal MacNab Mag Magazine Dances 2005–2009 Perth 800 Scottish Country Dances … Join hands in a circle and dance round to the left and back again to the right. So for a simple dance to get you started you need to remember just four formations. There are many formations that involve corners. First corners are diagonally on the right of 1st couple and second corners diagonally on the left. If you are planning to produce a YouTube video of a Scottish Country Dance, see our Advice On Preparing Videos. There are three principle rhythm types used in Scottish Country dancing: Reel, Jig and Strathspey, although it is not uncommon to find a Waltz or a March thrown in for good measure. Scottish Country Dancing Database Also known as My Strathspey, this database contains an extensive dance database, formations, devisor info, publications, music info, minicribs, videos, and Pillings diagrams, and tools for curating and creating dance programs and crib sheets Source: Rutherford's Complete Collection of 200 of the most Celebrated Country Dances, 1775 and RSCDS Book 12. 1 – 4: 1st couple set and cast off one place. Your first time on the floor with us is free. Scottish Country Dancers are a devoted lot and spend much of their leisure time on the dance floor. In this, the history and music sections will be extensively rewritten, in part to reflect the huge growth of popularity in Scottish Country Dancing outside Scotland (and the UK). 2nd couple step up on bars 3-4. Setting steps are used for dancing (setting) on the spot and is commonly used when setting to your partner. To continue travelling, the step is repeated with the left foot. This section is, of course, a very brief ‘quick’ guide - should you wish more information follow the appropriate links on the learn Scottish Country Dancing, Source: This dance was devised by members of the 51st Highland Division when they were POW’s during WWW 2. The Manual of Scottish Country Dancing, known to dancers as The Manual, is regarded as the essential guide to Scottish Country Dancing, giving detailed instructions on steps and formations and other aspects of dance performance, along with information on its historical background and the wonderful music that makes it possible. Then try Scottish Country dancing at the Greenbelt Community Center, every Tuesday night from 8 to 10, with the St. Columba’s Scottish Country dance group. Bring the left foot to the right foot and transfer weight onto the left foot and bring the right foot off the floor, Transfer weight back to the right foot and, Extend the left foot forwards and to the left. 5 – 8: 1st and 3rd couples dance right hands across once round. Travelling steps are used for moving about the set, which is part of creating the shapes and formations that are an intrinsic part of country dancing. Corner Partner with Tulloch Turn, Reel Time. The whole of this sequence: setting on the right foot and then on the left foot is one setting step and takes 2 bars of music. Get InvolvedLearnShopAboutBlogFind a Branch or Group, Summer SchoolThe Autumn GatheringWinter SchoolSpring Fling, What is Scottish Country Dance & Music?Steps & TechniquesMusic ResourcesTeaching Scottish Country Dance, Contact UsPhoto Use & Media PackAcceptable Use PolicyLegals, Privacy & CookiesSite Map, Tel: +44 (0)131 225 3854 Second position is like first position, but with the feet one step apart (heels more or less under the shoulders). Sets of four couples in longwise formation. What IS Scottish Country dancing? We encourage you to try Scottish Country Dancing for yourself to see just how much fun it can be, so please come along and learn how to 'Dance Scottish'. This usually takes two bars of music and travelling steps are used. Country Dancing is a form of dance performed by groups of couples usually in long lines with the men and women facing each other. Apr 19, 2020 - #scottishdance #scottishcountrydancing #RSCDS #dancing #Scottish #danceScottish. All steps start with heels together and toes pointing diagonally out. Danny Bhoy's hilarious description of a Scottish Ceilidh dance. Steps used for moving are called travelling steps; steps used for dancing on the spot are called setting steps. are used for dancing (setting) on the spot and is commonly used when setting to your partner. A group of dancers arranged in this pattern is called a set, with each set consisting of three or more couples: the men have their left shoulder nearest the music or the ‘top’ of the ‘set’ and couples are numbered from 1 through to 4 with couple number one being at the top of the set. The text includes diagrams of dances and suggests music. 1 – 8: 1st couple set to each other and cast off two places, meet below 3rd couple and lead up the middle to face first corners. (Fig.). 17 – 24: 1st couple, followed by 2nd couple who dance up the sides to begin, dance down between 3rd couple, cast up round them, dance up to the top, and cast off into second place, and 2nd couple dance up to top place. For those not familiar with them, this guide might be helpful: First position is with the heels together, toes apart, so the feet form a right angle. A group of dancers arranged in this pattern is called a set, with each set consisting of three or more couples: the men have their left shoulder nearest the music or the ‘top’ of the ‘set’ and couples are numbered from 1 through to 4 with … 2nd couple step up on bars 3-4. This edition also includes descriptions of some common formations not currently in dances published by the RSCDS. Scottish dancing mainly uses three musical rhythms - Jigs, Reels and Strathspeys. To provide advice to all who are involved in promoting the aims and objects of the RSCDS. To cast off one place the dancers turn to the top of the set, face out and dance down behind the next couple to finish one place down, facing each other across the set. They organise and run classes, dances and other social events in their own areas and are committed to helping develop Scottish Dance and Music for future generations. The full story of the writing of this dance and further details can be found  at,, Join a worldwide community of Scottish country dance and music, Copyright © 2020 Royal Scottish Country Dance Society. All dance events have paid musicians. The Scottish Country Dance – Historical Background, Essential teaching skills and further advice, Join a worldwide community of Scottish country dance and music, Copyright © 2020 Royal Scottish Country Dance Society. The dance was published in 1945 by the RSCDS in book 13. Armed with the above information it is possible to get through your first Scottish country dance and start out on this great adventure. Jigs and reels being faster than strathspeys. The guides contained instructions for the popular country dances and quadrilles of the period and very often included advice on dance etiquette. Working parties of eminent RSCDS dancers from across the globe laboured to transform this into The Manual, first published in 1992, and to revise and amend it, issuing a second edition in 2005 and the current, third, edition in 2013 – an authoritative blend of Miss Milligan’s experience and wisdom with the advances and developments that have transformed Scottish Country Dancing to create a vibrant, constantly evolving, internationally practised dance form still firmly grounded in its traditional roots. The dance was published in 1945 by the RSCDS in book 13. The dance is very much alive throughout the Bay Area, thanks largely to the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society's San Francisco branch. 5 – 6      Both couples, give right hands to partners, cross over. 3 - 4       Both men (on the women’s side) and both women (on the men’s side), giving left hands, change places. Get started with Scottish Country Dance. Scottish country dancing (SCD) is a social dance form with roots stretching back for centuries. In jigs and reels slip step is used and in strathspey time strathspey travelling step is used. We encourage you to try Scottish Country Dancing for yourself to see just how much fun it can be, so please come along and learn how to 'Dance Scottish'. This little book is an excellent resource for anyone who wishes to join in the fun of Scottish Country Dancing. "Scottish dancing is kept alive through the teaching of others" Offering the training that assists dancers to perfect their teaching skills has always been a key part of the work of the RSCDS. Back to the top of this 'Scottish Dance Video A To Z' page Saturday morning and afternoon classes to learn technique, formations and ways to improve Scottish Country Dancing taught by invited teachers. To provide an accurate, factual and helpful source of reference for anyone interested in Scottish country dancing and the work of the RSCDS. Updates issued since 2013 can be downloaded on the publication updates page and a working party is engaged in producing a new, revised edition. MINICRIB is a simple database of brief notes covering over 2000 Scottish Country Dances which enables "cribsheets" to be quickly produced for most dance programs. Evolution of The Manual Unlike Scottish Highland Dancing which is largely a solo activity, Country Dance is normally danced in sets of at least six dancers. Follow our step-by-step guides to some of the most popular dances. Wherever you are in the world there is most likely Scottish Country Dancing. The Manual of Scottish Country Dancing, known to dancers as The Manual, is regarded as the essential guide to Scottish Country Dancing, giving detailed instructions on steps and formations and other aspects of dance performance, along with information on its historical background and the wonderful music that makes it possible. All are fine, what is most important is that you enjoy the dances and do your best to keep in time with the music and try and be in the right place at the right time! Four hands round is for four dancers, six hands round is for six dances etc. By far the majority of Scottish dances are done using 32 bars for one turn through the dance, hence, with four couples in a typical set and each couple dancing a dance twice before they get to the bottom of the set means that the commonest dance structure for SCD is eight times through each 32 bar turn, hence you will see the terminology 8 x 32 bars for a dance. It is fortunate for the Scottish Country Dancing community at large that amateur recorders of videos produce the material which we can disseminate. Foot positions. Fantastic comedian, cracking up stories he has! Rights and lefts is a formation for two couples, in a square, with partners facing each other across the set to begin. The RSCDS holds a number of these guides in the Archive at 12 Coates Crescent, some of which are pictured here. 7 - 8      Both men and both women, giving left hands, change places. 17 – 22: 1st couple repeat bars 9-14 with second corners. A small format gift book which is a reproduction of the popular book 101 Scottish Country Dances published by Collins in 1956.Written as a practical guide to Scottish ceilidh dancing and to promote the work of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society. They organise and run classes, dances and other social events in their own areas and are committed to helping develop Scottish Dance and Music for future generations. After each turn of the dance, the couple at the top finish one place further down. Dancers are grouped into sets, typically of three, four, or five couples arranged either in two lines (men facing women) or in a square, and dance a sequence of formations. Many people consider it rude to do so for the whole event. 9 – 12: 1st couple set to and turn first corners with the right hand, finishing in a diagonal line by joining left hands with partner. Casting may be a form of progression. The last available guide was published by Mozart Allan, Glasgow in the 1920s. A typical Scottish country dance consists of a series of formations that are arranged in a different sequence for each dance, hence, having mastered the basic steps and some of the formations, a Scottish country dancer should be able to participate happily and easily wherever there is country dancing. Finish in original places. A weekend workshop with a Friday night Welcome dance and a Saturday night formal Ball. Think of it as contra dance on adrenaline. The guides contained instructions for the popular country dances and quadrilles of the period and very often included advice on dance etiquette. This would be your starting position, but within the course of dancing there are a number of different foot positions. The essential guide to Scottish country dancing, ideal for the novice as well as the more experienced dancer. Country Dancing is a form of dance performed by groups of couples usually in long lines with the men and women facing each other. It contains two main elements: • Dance Instructions A-Z Dance Cribs which provides succinct descriptions of over 6000 Scottish Country Dances in a form readily accessible to the preparer of a dance … The dance depicts a Saint Andrew′s Cross formation which was intended to symbolise Scotland and the Highland Division. Join left hands with the diagonally opposite dancer and all dance round to original places. Scottish country dancing enjoys a massive following throughout the world and this is the first book to be produced in conjunction with the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society intended for … This formation takes eight bars of music and travelling steps are used. The Manual of Scottish Country Dancing, known to dancers as The Manual, is regarded as the essential guide to Scottish Country Dancing, giving detailed instructions on steps and formations and other aspects of dance performance, along with information on its historical background and the wonderful music that makes it possible. After two turns the new top couple begins. The RSCDS holds a number of these guides in the Archive at 12 Coates Crescent, some of which are pictured here. The volume has its origin in the booklet produced in 1924 by Miss Milligan, co-founder of the RSCDS and doyenne of Scottish Country Dancing, which was constantly revised and extended by her until her death, when the RSCDS acquired the copyright to its latest incarnation. Most formations take 8 bars of music, which means that most dances have four formations (one of which is a progression). To identify corners: 1st couple begin, back to back, in the middle the set in second place, facing the opposite sides. The electronic version will eventually include helpful video clips to illustrate steps and formations. Source: This dance was devised by members of the 51st Highland Division when they were POW’s during WWW 2. Don’t let that put you off as a bit of perseverance in learning the basics soon pays off and a whole world of fun and enjoyment awaits. This ‘quick guide’ describes how to do two of the basic steps in a very straightforward and easy to understand manner. E-mail:, Join an RSCDS Branch & receive member benefits. The full story of the writing of this dance and further details can be found  at Well, there are a number of basics that need to be understood in order to get started, the first of which is the music and how it fits the dance. Sometimes called hands round, where the number of hands indicates the number of dancers in the circle. Evolution of The Manual Get InvolvedLearnShopAboutBlogFind a Branch or Group, Summer SchoolThe Autumn GatheringWinter SchoolSpring Fling, What is Scottish Country Dance & Music?Steps & TechniquesMusic ResourcesTeaching Scottish Country Dance, Contact UsPhoto Use & Media PackAcceptable Use PolicyLegals, Privacy & CookiesSite Map, Tel: +44 (0)131 225 3854 As new formations are devised and added to the bank of instructions, mistakes or misprints are identified and corrected, and changes are made to accepted practice; The Manual never stands still. 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