[3], Battlefield Viet Nam Episode 5 "The Undeclared War", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Operation_Chopper_(Vietnam)&oldid=1133354489, This page was last edited on 13 January 2023, at 10:36. o.. Black fatalities amounted to 12 percent of all Americans killed in Southeast Asia - a figure proportional to the number of blacks in the U.S. population at the time and slightly lower than the proportion of blacks in the Army at the close of the war." years. . Any combination of these can be deadly. Army Flight School was about 9 months long, this was the shortest calendar time. al.. . In June of 1967, Marine officers destined to become fixed-wing pilots began reporting to Air Force bases for flight training. I promised myself that it would never happen again, and it didnt. After the first of the two injured soldiers was hoisted on board, the din of the covering fire began to register in my head. Mailing Address: Parameters for authorizing operating a US Navy submarine reactor plant above practicable design limits is Read More, Additionally, 1.3 million of those five million flight hours were accomplished during combat. As they entered a one year combat tour, many pilots heard the ominous rumor that the average life expectancy of a US Army Aviator helicopter pilot in combat was only 19 minutes. Age 60 to 64 --------$350.00 We will never forget you, or the sound of your rotor blades off in the distance, coming to our aid. It was a rare breed of man whobecame a Scout Pilot. You were way more mature for your age than 99% of the young men today. The pilots who were flying this helicopter, Not only were we not found to be lacking as youthful aviators, as a whole we far exceeded the expectations. But come look for us, will ya? The longer you stare at the gauges the less time it takes them to move from green to red. fund has been established at the Vietnam Center and Archives at Texas Tech Decisions made by someone above you in the chain-of-command will seldom be in your best interest. Average age of active pilots in the United States from 2002 to 2020, by category* [Graph]. [People], The person who can be seen aiding the refugees was CIA operations officer, Mr. O.B. Others flew fixed wing and some were already in the Army but applied for and were chosen to attend flight school. Loud, sudden noises in a helicopter WILL get your undivided attention. VHPA Aviator (big file). Servicemen who went to Vietnam from well-to-do areas had a slightly elevated risk of dying because they were more likely to be pilots or infantry officers. Please do not hesitate to contact me. As well as prepping an LZ ahead of the slicks, gunship pilots could also warn crews flying troop carriers of threat areas, and advise them of enemy guns to avoid as they lifted out of the LZ. Get the details for all upcoming vietnam helicopter unit reunions. These new battalions eventually formed a sort of modern-day cavalry for the Army. October 20, 2021. The average age of an employed helicopter pilot is 44 years old. of what you can do online at https://www.vhpa.org/memhelp.htm#ODA, To preserve the legacy of all Vietnam Helicopter Pilots, an endowment All through flight school, we were taught by gun pilots, slick drivers, scout pilots (although not as many of the scout pilots, they had a high loss ratio), and oh, yes, ONE Dustoff pilot. (Although 58,169 names are in the Nov. 93 database, only 58,148 have both event date and birth date. $99) To contact the magazine editor aviator@vhpa.org. We HAD no survival radios in those aircraft. "In all the years we've been working on this we have found that's not the case." [McCaffrey] Speech by Lt. Gen. Barry R. McCaffrey, (reproduced in the Pentagram, June 4, 1993) assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to Vietnam veterans and visitors gathered at "The Wall", Memorial Day 1993. Helicopters in Is that AM or FM? I and many more just like me can only say Thank You for all that you did. Don S. the last (in-country) Masher33, 1971, It is not easy to read this stuff. Categories . No American had involvement in this incident near Trang Bang that burned Phan Thi Kim Phuc. 79% had a high school education or better. Are you interested in testing our business solutions? [Westmoreland], Democracy Catching On - In the wake of the Cold War, democracies are flourishing, with 179 of the world's 192 sovereign states (93%) now electing their legislators, according to the Geneva-based Inter-Parliamentary Union. Caicos Islands, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vatican . Read more about the planned U.S. Air Force helicopter Vietnam War history sections. Jurez y 18 de Marzo Col. Centro, C.P 96360 Nanchital, Ver. The Vietnam Helicopter Flight Crew Network (VHFCN) is a non profit veterans organization dedicated to the fulfillment of the following purposes: To provide a forum for recreational communications amongst a fraternity of aircrew members who served in Vietnam during the period 1961-75. . It [McCaffrey], 87% of the American people hold Vietnam Vets in high esteem. In order to be Old and Wise, one must first be young and stupid. pilots in the Vietnam War. 2/3 of the men who served in World War II were drafted. Member Flag, John A. Jelich, Wisconsin, Cecelia Jelich Frost, Killed in Action, Rosary, KIA, Gold Star Family, Gold Star Wife. Information contained herein shall not be used for commercial I wont make it back.. "Pogo" Hunter who died in 1995. ai.. First, one has to understand what a hoist mission is and why we did them. Also "Estimating the Number of Suicides Among Vietnam Veterans" (Am J Psychiatry 147, 6 June 1990 pages 772-776). . Whether their responsibility was to fly the troops into and out of battle, become the Medical Evacuation bird when required, be the forward eyes of the ground troopers or provide them fire support when needed. The Air Cav was just what the name implies. [CACF]. Vietnam seldom flew above 1,500 feet which is traffic pattern altitude for American-owned airlines never knowingly transported opium in or out of Laos, nor did their American pilots ever profit from its transport. Being scared in the sense of risking ones life for others, for sure, but also a sense of being scared that you will not be up to the standards of your fellow pilots. The average infantryman in Vietnam saw about 240 days of combat in one year thanks to the mobility of the helicopter. . I graduated from Flight Training 2 day short of a year. ?any tips. Myth: A disproportionate number of blacks were killed in the Vietnam War. I never forgot the reverence with which that statement was made, as I began to form a survival plan of action in my mind. "The problem is that those who think the Vietnamese haven't cooperated sufficiently think there is some central repository with answers to all the lingering questions," notes Gen. John Vessey, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Reagan and Bush administration's designated representative in MIA negotiations. Many men volunteered for the draft so even some of the draftees were actually reunion. He fell right through the rotor blades. I made a pedal turn (U-turn) about 200 feet in the air, probably over some bad guys, and hovered back in over the trees. only 10 to 20 minutes of that time exposed to hostile fire. It was finally time to find out if we had the gonads to be combat helicopter pilots. The night I was wounded, my new co-pilot Don Study put us right on the deck, but all the while I had visions of my first 30-foot hover when I was a Funny New Guyan FNG. Steve DaCosta, Cavalier15, June67-June68. Although I was sworn to secrecy at the time, with the Freedom of Information Act, I believe that I can now break the silence. By 1967, 600 pilots were being graduated per month. We risked much in a totally dark valley that night, and there was no doubt that someone appreciated us. I logged 205 hours in Flight Training. It has been said many times by Navy and Marine jet pilots that landing on an aircraft carrier is like landing on a postage stamp. tail number N4 7004, were Bob Caron who lives in Florida and Jack herriman high school soccer roster. It was called "shell shock" and other names in previous wars. [People]. The VHPA is a social organization only and They were the ones who flew the troops into and out of battle. The average infantryman in Vietnam saw about 240 days of combat in one year thanks to the mobility of the helicopter Warrant Officer Shelly Berryman flew Huey helicopters in Vietnam War But it also exposed American servicemen and women to a chemical that now has them dying on average 13 years earlier than their counterparts who did not serve in . By Phil Marshall, DMZ Dustoff 711, 237th Medical Detachment (Helicopter Ambulance) Camp Evans and Quang Tri, Vietnam 1969, published in Association of Naval Aviation, Cape Fear Seahawk Newsletter, July 2012, Vol. If you ask people who live in these countries that won the war in Vietnam, they have a different opinion from the American news media. who is now retired in Arizona. Shoot, I had NO idea! contained this quote about Vietnam, there has been "the most extensive accounting in the history of human warfare" of those missing in action. Hello. Is this the Steve DaCosta who was friend of my brother W.O. Then you can access your favorite statistics via the star in the header. Fournisseur de Tallents. reunion. (Three years for I think I can make it back! was his last message as the aircraft caught fire, rolled inverted and crashed in flames, killing all on board. The early (65-68) Weapons Team was made up of two pilots, crew chief and a door gunner. u.. Everybodys a hero on the ground in the club after the fourth drink. As explained by Peter E. Davies in his book UH-1 Huey Gunship Vs NVA/VC Forces Vietnam 1962-75, many US Army pilots volunteered for combat simply because they wanted to fly the UH-1. [People]. The VHPA publishes six There was an adrenaline high, too, and a tremendous sense of accomplishment that I have yet to experience since flying my last mission in Vietnam. z.. Pucker Factor is the formal name of the equation that states the more hairy the situation is, the more of the seat cushion will be sucked up your ass. Experienced pilots with proven records of successful, aggressive combat could be invited to join a platoon in a fire team of one or two gunships operating with a scout helicopter and escorting slick assaults. applies to subscribers): Age 80 and above ---$75.00 [Houk] Testimony by Dr. Houk, Oversight on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, 14 July 1988 page 17, Hearing before the Committee on Veterans' Affairs United States Senate one hundredth Congress second session. The engine RPM and the rotor RPM must BOTH be kept in the GREEN. Three of the five newest democracies are former Soviet republics: Belarus (where elections were first held in November 1995), Armenia (July 1995) and Kyrgyzstan (February 1995). solicitation purposes, or any correspondence related thereto. In fact, not at all, since we usually flew with the doors open, even at night. Joe Treen, People.com, 21 April 2000. [Nixon]. Please create an employee account to be able to mark statistics as favorites. As soon as this statistic is updated, you will immediately be notified via e-mail. Age 75 to 79 --------$100.00 Published by on October 31, 2021. (EC), [Home] [ReunionInformation] [Donations] [OurLegacy] [MembershipServices] [RelatedWebSites], This Prayer may not help . The planes doing the bombing near the village were VNAF (Vietnam Air Force) and were being flown by Vietnamese pilots in support of South Vietnamese troops on the ground. By the end of the war half of them had been lost. Crew Members Association http://vhcma.org/. By the end of the war half of them had been lost. Thanks for posting the memories. [Westmoreland] Approximately 70% of those killed were volunteers. We honor the memory of all those who lost their lives in that service. Maybe we could have used our survival radio once we were in the water or forced down over the jungle. It happened many times, and their names are on The Wall in Washington, D.C. One particular mission I recall was a day hoist. When sprayed on dense jungle foliage, less that 6 percent ever reached the ground. Values are as of December 31 each year. They were involved in every aspect of that war fighting, from medevac, to ammo, troop and supply delivery, to aerial fire support. The Vietnam Helicopter Flight Crew Network (VHFCN) is a non profit veterans organization dedicated to the fulfillment of the following purposes: To provide a forum for recreational communications amongst a fraternity of aircrew members who served in Vietnam during the period 1961-75 At the conclusive battle of the war (the Fall of Saigon), the . Operation Chopper occurred on 12 January 1962 and was the first time U.S. forces participated in major combat in the Vietnam War. Based on the data, more than 30% of the current for-hire pilots fall within the age range of 50 to 64. submit other directory changes and updates. Many times when either our troopers on the ground or another unit was facing enemy fire these brave men would come in with weapons blazing either destroying the enemy or allowing the ground troops to attain and then maintain superior fire power. The domino theory was accurate. I cannot talk about how tough flight school was, nor can I state what the washout rate was because I did not go myself. Those trainers were so small you could lean in them to make the thing turn. Read the latest issue of the Friends of the Vietnam Center Newsletter and subscribe to recieve future newsletters. [Burkett] Stolen Valor: How the Vietnam Generation was Robbed of its Heroes and its History by B.G. . When you crash, well try to recover your bodies. The Vietnamese pilot who dropped the napalm in error is currently living in the United States. .j.. The radioman on the ship would tell them Cleared for a port quarter approach. The silence on the radio was the proverbial pregnant pause, and I could imagine the conversation inside the Huey cockpit. I wanted that top 20% and focused all my abilities and energy on making gunship training. He was an Air Cav pilot, delivering and evacuating troops into and out of battlefields. Most of the Commissioned Officers were older. We believe that the Huey along with the Huey Cobra have more combat flight Oh, were we Young and Stupid on hoist missions, too; the second Y & S thing we did! See an example of our magazine, The From 1965, around 99 percent of each completed class of students were sent to Vietnam. If I had gone down over water, I would not have grabbed the wings either, because not only had I never tried to inflate them, I had never even tried to put them on. [Online]. Thank you for your service. While it may be possible to ward off this natural event some of the time, it cannot, despite the best efforts of the crew, always be prevented. They also acted as the means of supply of ammunitions, equipment and food. Over the course of the war, some 12,000 helicopters of various kinds saw service in Vietnam. A constant line of chatter was transmitted from the medic and the Crew Chief to the pilots, who were both on the flight controls in case either was violently incapable of continuing to fly the aircraft. In action, gunships sometimes left their lights on for night missions, for according to another Huey pilot, We had a doctrine that wed rather have the enemy shoot at the gunship than at the lesser armed slicks.. Myth: The United States lost the war in Vietnam. I dont think so. Wainwright Station survival radio, whats that? Even the AP photographer, Nick Ut, who took the picture was Vietnamese. Obviously, I was wrong, but I did not know it then. how to unhide mouse cursor windows 10; [Houk]. It is I can tell you what in my opinion made the best pilots. DID after the U.S. Congress cut off funding. Most aviators receives about 210 hours of flight time. Have you ever heard the expression, He was flying the aircraft balls out? That was us. U.S. active certificated pilots - number 1990-2020, Worldwide aircraft fleet age by region 2020-2030, Air traffic - passenger growth rates forecast 2019-2040. We dont have any place for you to land, so just hang your butts out in the open sky for several minutes so any kid with a bow and arrow can shoot you down, and Gee, those red crosses on your helicopter sure make great aiming points, dont they? Event date is used instead of declared dead date for some of those who were listed as missing in action). The average age for helicopter pilots in Vietnam was in the area of 22 years as I recall. I knew that if Don got in trouble on the approach, I could not be of much help because of the gunshot wound in my left arm, but we were Young and Stupid and we made it. survive the 365 days in Southeast Asia was to be a gunship pilot, blazing my way back to the states, defending myself with mini-guns, rockets, and grenade launchers. The Vietnam War was the turning point for Communism. 4.7 average based on 3 product ratings. Your email address will not be published. dont care. Your email address will not be published. It was NOT the U.S. Embassy. In fact, after the 5-year post-service period, the rate of suicides is less in the Vietnam veterans' group." hostile fire exposure versus battle area exposure. A little more than 12 days later, Operation Chopper commenced. trina daughter instagram 97887 65581; music city drum corps staff saiservicecentre2020@gmail.com [McCaffrey]. Can I pick up Armed Forces Radio on it? Instead of landing and changing seats he tried to do it in mid air. Even though I had yet to fly my first hour of combat, I had already done many incredible things that my high school and college friends could not even dream of. At least, I believe that is how I would have felt had it been me. Burkett and Glenna Whitley, Verity Press, Inc., Dallas, TX, 1998. Most were 19 or 20 years old, with a few experienced old men per platoon in their late twenties. [1996 Information Please Almanac], There were almost twice as many casualties in Southeast Asia (primarily Cambodia) the first two years after the fall of Saigon in 1975 then there were during the ten years the U.S. was involved in Vietnam. They were immensely important to the troops on the ground as aerial fire power. Americans who deliberately killed civilians received prison sentences while Communists who did so received commendations. The DA-4733-DSC should not be confused with the much more common DA-4734-GSTT (Gunship Sized Tiny Testicles), where other pilots made up for their lack of size with big guns and big wrist watches. The Wall), Center for Electronic Records, National Archives, Washington, DC, [All That We Can Be] All That We Can Be by Charles C. Moskos and John Sibley Butler, [Westmoreland] Speech by General William C. Westmoreland before the Third Annual Reunion of the Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association (VHPA) at the Washington, DC Hilton Hotel on July 5th, 1986 (reproduced in a Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association Historical Reference Directory Volume 2A). Those Hueys were their horses and they rode into battle en masse, to deliver their troops and evacuate the wounded. sent to webmaster@vhpa.org whereupon How could we lose a war we had already stopped fighting? to Europe and both have since died. The average age of an employed helicopter pilot is 45 years old. Helicopters needed far more hands on piloting than fixed wing types. There is only one rule in war: When you win, you get to make up the ah.. Nobody cares what you did yesterday or what you are going to do tomorrow. ", Federal Aviation Administration, Average age of active pilots in the United States from 2002 to 2020, by category* Statista, https://www.statista.com/statistics/919100/aviation-industry-average-age-of-active-pilots-in-the-united-states-by-category/ (last visited March 04, 2023), Average age of active pilots in the United States from 2002 to 2020, by category* [Graph], Federal Aviation Administration, May 18, 2021. When I found out that I was assigned to be a MedEvac pilot, I was devastated. It was an average age for most of the other Army helicopter pilots I flew with in the 237th Medical Detachment in northern I Corps near the DMZ. A few were even awarded. [The Wall Street Journal]. g.. This is a true testament for any theater! It was a fact that Dustoff crews had three times the casualty rate of other helicopter crews. You only have access to basic statistics. We were an easier target during the day, but unlike at night when we kept all the lights off, we could see what we were doing! directory for dues current members. I will always thank Warrant Officer Study for his late-night, picture-perfect landing on the round end of the boat. A MiG-21 of the VPAF which became the primary fighter-interceptor against USAF and USN aircraft. [VHPA Databases] Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association Databases. There were no Americans involved in any capacity. XV, Issue VII. Knowing that my depth perception left little margin for error on the night approaches (especially), I had to totally concentrate on what I was doing and not relax for a second until we were down on that rockin and rollin ship. And what was even stupider, I suppose, was the fact that if the doors were closed when we reached the water, we opened them so we could get out easier if we did go down. I suppose that is what kept most of us going in the daily risk of flying helicopters in combat in Vietnam. [CACF] (Combat Area Casualty File) November 1993. By contrast, there still are 78,000 unaccounted-for Americans from World War II and 8,100 from the Korean conflict. As a group, we helicopter pilots did what we had to do and then some. Annual car sales worldwide 2010-2022, with a forecast for 2023, Number of cars sold in the U.S. 1951-2021, Battery electric vehicles in use worldwide 2016-2021, Annual gas prices in the United States 1990-2021, Automotive industry worldwide - statistics & facts, Motorcycle industry in the United States - statistics & facts, Profit from additional features with an Employee Account. Over the course of the war, some 12,000 helicopters of various kinds saw service in Vietnam. Ground troops typically did not enter a sprayed area until four to six weeks after being sprayed. In my mind, the only way I would. Myth: The American military was running for their lives during the fall of Saigon in April 1975. magazines, a membership directory and a calendar each year and periodically publishes To all of the brave Pilots and their crews, I can say but three things. All rights reserved. That was the unforgiving part. San Antonio, Texas 78208-0091, Copyright 2023 DUSTOFF Association | Powered by Barefoot Pixel, USAAAD conducts life-saving rescue of two civilians near Mount Adams. https://www.vhpa.org. If everything is as clear as a bell, and everything is going exactly as planned, youre about to be surprised. [1996 Information Please Almanac] 1995 Information Please Almanac Atlas & Yearbook 49th edition, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston & New York 1996, pages 117, 161 and 292. From 1965, around 99 percent of each completed class of students were sent to Vietnam. $36/year subscription. I suppose we would have survived; we had water wings! Recent reports in the news media that an American commander ordered the air strike that burned Kim Phuc are incorrect. Search: Average Age Of Vietnam Helicopter Pilot. So, too, can the ones addressed To Whom It May Concern. ), Once out to sea, landing on the ships was an interesting experience, especially when the decks were bouncing up and down like a fishing bobber with a carp under it. I would NOT fly unarmed helicopters! The Vietnam . And the answer is: There IS none! Sure, we had a compass and an Automatic Direction Finder, but in the event of an engine failure on the way to the hospital ship, this would have probably been my emergency call. Uh, thats a can opener for those of you who arent military. The Scout Pilot. Vietnamese where among those taken that day to Tan Son Nhut airport, General solicitation purposes, or any correspondence related thereto. November 14th, 2013 at 5:45 pm Dave Shannon (crewmember, 92nd AHC) Says: I always liked the subdued look of combat zone attire, as opposed to anything shiny or glittery. A paid subscription is required for full access. designed as a helipad. Five Thousand pilots and crews lost their lives and 3,258 Hueys alone were lost during the war. or down. I was okay to fly helicopters in the Army, but not to drive a jeep! [People.com] Vietnam 25 Years Later, by Every helicopter flying in Vietnam had one real purpose: To help the grunt. (Westmoreland quoting Douglas Pike, a professor at the University of California, Berkley a renowned expert on the Vietnam War) [Westmoreland] This included Tet 68, which was a major military defeat for the VC and NVA. Its just what they do. Currently, you are using a shared account. I arrived in Vietnam on the 4th of July 1969, barely 21 years old. See also The History of the Ranch Hand Epidemiologic Investigation. Since I first heard the phrase that is the title of this article, it struck me that those words were exactly what we did as kids flying helicopters in Vietnam. . In other words, it took a man with a huge pair of Brass Balls but with the ability to know when to use them but with the brains to know when to hold them. af.. If so glad to know youre well. They were utterly selfless and courageous warriors on our behalf. No Pilot that I know of ever went into a combat situation without both. His writing has appeared in The National Interest and other news media. One guy was 19, while the oldest (not counting our Commanding Officer) was the 28-year-old XO, Army slang for the second in command, Executive Officer. In, Federal Aviation Administration. About 12,000 U.S. military helicopters spent 7.5 million hours above Vietnam, flying 2 million missions. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Aero Bonus 320085 1/32 Us Army Helicopter Pilot Vietnam War 1960-1975 at the best online prices at eBay! Provide food and supplies to veterans at The Veterans Site for free! If you are wearing body armor, they will probably miss that part. As they entered a one year combat tour, many pilots heard the ominous rumor that the average life expectancy of a US Army Aviator helicopter pilot in combat was only 19 minutes. Another tradition started in 1988 is a "Cobra" There is a reason why these medevac pilots were called our angels in the sky. We who fought the enemy face to face on the ground, whether infantry or recon, knew that if we were wounded, these guys would do anything necessary, face any danger the enemy could present, to get us out of hell and back to the care we needed. American involvement in February 1973. Further proof of these facts can be found at a recent Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association (VHPA) reunion. Our single-engine UH-1H Hueys did not float in the water very well. As MedEvac helicopter pilots, we flew the only Army Hueys equipped with the electric hoist/winch. The American military did not lose a battle of any consequence. As a Premium user you get access to the detailed source references and background information about this statistic. . Show publisher information the following purposes: To enhance and accredit the cohesiveness, esprit de corps, and traditions of valor of Age 65 to 69 --------$250.00 View complete answer on zippia.com It was a small price to pay for the successful completion of our daily rescues. Refining close formation skills was an immediate requirement, as airborne assaults could involve a tight gaggle of up to 40 helicopters, including ten gunships. Search: Average Age Of Vietnam Helicopter Pilot. They will always be our heroes, our Angels in the Sky.. An automobile accident or other traumatic event also can cause it. Mortality studies show that 9,000 is a better estimate. The best of the best: the portal for top lists & rankings: Strategy and business building for the data-driven economy: Industry-specific and extensively researched technical data (partially from exclusive partnerships). 20002023 The Veterans Site and GreaterGood. am.. Do not fear the enemy, for your enemy can only take your life. Deaths Average Age Enlisted: 50,274, 22.37 years Officers: 6,598, 28.43 years Myth: The media have reported that suicides among Vietnam veterans range from 50,000 to 100,000 - 6 to 11 times the non-Vietnam veteran population. They could rotate around a battle site from above, unleashing punishing weapon support from above. w.. Many of these brave men went from High School to Flight School. Use Ask Statista Research Service. . The last American troops departed in their entirety 29 March 1973. Flight training was preceded by grueling infantry instruction at Fort Dix, New Jersey, and Fort Polk, Louisiana, where recruits, predominantly volunteers, learned through Basic Combat Training that they were primarily soldiers, with a secondary role as helicopter crew members. [2]:4, On 15 April 1962 the United States Marine Corps began Operation Shufly, the rotating deployment of Marine helicopter squadrons, associated maintenance units and air traffic control detachments to South Vietnam to improve the mobility of ARVN forces. With a hot mike, everything that was said, every noise, every round fired, every grunt and groan was amplified and transmitted into everyones headset without touching any buttons.
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